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My name is Abby Storer. I am an ultra-runner and podcast host based in Salt Lake City, Utah. I believe that genuine happiness is found in setting and achieving challenging goals, practicing healthy habits, and spending time with people you love. 


The most fulfilling part about being a personal trainer for me is showing people what I have learned about health and fitness, and watching them use the information to empower themselves to change their lives. 

Let Passion Drive Your Goals

I can't think of a place where I'm happier than when I'm romping through the mountains. Combine that with tackling challenging goals, and spending time with loved ones - it becomes my perfect place.


I want this type of happiness for all of my friends and clients. When setting fitness goals, make sure to incorporate the things that make you feel uniquely happy and fulfilled. If you want do wake up and do it every day, its not discipline. 


Building Confidence 

Pictured on the left is me -  just after finishing my first 50k. I never believed I could do it. I only attempted the ultra distance because a family friend ( shoutout Toby Barlow ) told me that she thought I could do it.


I never could have done it on my own. I never would have started. The most valuable thing I learned was that - to build confidence, you need to watch yourself do hard things


I want to be that voice for others. I want to be there to tell them that they can do hard things. I have the knowledge and tools to help, and the desire to build the relationship that will help make it happen. 

Education & Experience 


Personal Trainer (PT) & Nutrition Coach (NC) Certifications 

The NASM Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching Certification provides coaches with essential knowledge and skills to help clients achieve their health goals. Covering exercise science and nutritional principles, this program ensures trainers can deliver effective coaching. Graduates will inspire and motivate individuals on their fitness journeys, enhancing their careers in the fitness industry.

Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

November 2021 - Present 

Since November 2021, I've dedicated myself to helping clients achieve their health and fitness goals. With hands-on experience working 30-40 hours a week, I've gained invaluable insights into what it takes to succeed in a variety of health goals. I have worked with clients from many different health backgrounds and starting points. As far as personal experience goes, I have ran over 15 ultra distance events and at one point lost close to 50lbs. 

Abby Storer Coaching

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